VIII All-Russian practical conference-seminar “State and Municipal Procurement - 2013”
(October 31 – November 1, 2013, Moscow)
Photo 1. Opening of the VIII All-Russian practical conference-seminar “State and Municipal Procurement - 2013”, welcoming speech of the deputy head of the Federal Treasury S.E. Prokofiev.
In the photo (in order from left to right): the deputy head of administration of financial control over government procurement of Rosfinnadzor V.L. Bakhvalov, the secretary of state – deputy head of the Federal Antimonopoly service of the Russian Federation A.Y. Tsarikovskiy, the Director of Public Procurement Institute A.A. Khramkin, the deputy head of the Federal Treasury S.E. Prokofiev, the general director of LLC “RTS-tender” V.V.Stepanov
Photo 2. Speech of the secretary of the state – deputy head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service A.Y. Tsarikovskiy.
Photo 3. Speech of the director of the Department of development of the federal contract system of Economic development Ministry of the Russian Federation K.I. Stepanov.
In the photo as well (in order from left to right): the acting director of Macroeconomic studies Institute of Economic development Ministry of the Russian Federation V.I. Smirnov, the deputy head of Competence center of the Public Procurement Institute A.N. Evstashenkov
Photo 4. Debates during the speech of the director of Department of development of the federal contract system of Economic development Ministry of the Russian Federation K.I. Stepanov.
Photo 5: Participants of the conference.
Photo 6: Special session: meeting of the director of the Department of development of the federal contract system of Economic development Ministry of the Russian Federation K.I. Stepanov with the heads of executive bodies of the regions of the Russian Federation authorized for order placement.