
Public procurement institute Institute of public and regulated procurement, competition policy and anticorruption technologies

Collection of papers

III All-Russian practical conference-seminar “State and Municipal Procurement 2008”

(October 21 - 22, 2008, Moscow)

Collection of papers III All-russian practical conference-seminar «State and municipal procurement - 2008» - Moscow, Jurisprudence PH, 2008. – 320 p. – ISBN 978-5-9516-0406-4

Сборник включает в себя доклады, научно-исследовательские и методические материалы участников проведенной Институтом госзакупок РАГС III Всероссийской практической конференции-семинара «Государственные и муниципальные закупки – 2008», проходившего в Российской академии государственной службы при Президенте Российской Федерации 21-22 октября 2008 года.

Сборник обобщает результаты последних научных, методических и практических наработок. Он предназначен, в первую очередь, для специалистов-практиков, но особую значимость представляет для научных и педагогических работников, занимающихся проблематикой размещения государственного и муниципального заказа в Российской Федерации.

Reports of specialists of Public Procurement Institute

1. O.M. Vorobyova “Peculiarities of order placement at small business subjects: realization and current problems”  

2. O.M. Vorobyova “Notion of “insuperable force” in relation to the Law No.94-FZ” A.A. Gladkov “Are biddings always based on competition?” 

3. A.N. Evstashenkov “Peculiarities of order placement by holding of open auctions in electronic form. Problems of application of electronic digital signature and other counterparts of handwritten signature” 

4. A.N. Evstashenkov “Peculiarities of order placement in building and contract works” 

5. A.V. Ermakova “Why is it impossible to appeal against some bidding and quotation requests held with obvious breakdown of order placement legislation?” 

6. P.N. Kornilov “Definition of Law No.94-FZ application limits to budgetary relations in case of granting and other non-repayable budgetary funding” 

7. V.V. Kosheleva “Several issues of provision of state and municipal contract execution” 

8. K.V. Kuznetsov “Main problems of order placement by quotation request” 

9. O.K. Lisovenko “Judicial conflict resolution in the sphere of public order placement” 

10. N.V. Nesterovich “Is Law No.94-FZ efficient?” 

11. K.A. Perov “Order placement for financial services: problems of legal regulation, practice of order placement” 

12. V.I. Smirnov “Wrong goals – false results of public procurement efficiency” 

13. A.A. Khramkin “Corruption resistance of public procurement system in Russia” (preliminary data in 2008) 

14. R.V. Khruschev “Organization of accounting-auditor provision of state procurement opponent forms”

Other materials of conference participants

15. A.M. Abdullin “Practice of centralized state order placement in the Republic of Tatarstan” 

16. S.G. Antonov “The results of state financial control over federal budgeting in course of order placement for goods delivery, carrying out works, rendering services for state needs” 

17. O.A. Gladysheva “Problems of order placement for state and municipal needs on mixed responsibilities by example of an automobile with carriage leasing” 

18. M.Y. Evraev “The reform of state and municipal order placement” 

19. O.A. Emtsova “Exchange trade of goods for public needs: pros and cons of bidding.” I.P. Itmanuk “Efficiency increase of state procurement” 

20. Y.N. Klukvin “Problems of state and municipal order placement” 

21. E.N. Krylova “Problems of municipal order placement” 

22. N.L. Levinson “The main aspects of municipal finance reforming in Orsk in the light of Law “On placement of orders to supply goods, carry out works and render services for meeting state and municipal needs” 

23. G.A. Lopatkin “Unified facility advantages or disadvantages?”

24. G.A. Lysakovskiy,S. Zhdanok “Peculiarities of state procurement on products of space industry” 

25. O.A. Parshin “Automatization of procurement activity” 

26. S.E. Prokofyev, N.Y. Voron “Arrangement of state procurement in Federal Treasury” 

27. A.V. Sergeev “Problems of state order placement and their solution by experience of Moscow” 

28. A.A. Stroganov “Improvement of control over order placement” 

29. D.A. Stroganova “State procurement as one of corruption indicators” 

30. A.Y. Tsarikovskiy ”Control over state and municipal contract placement as anticorruption factor” 

31. Z.V. Yakovenko “Evaluation of order placement efficiency: social and economic risks from hidden financial insolvency of potential suppliers”