
Public procurement institute Institute of public and regulated procurement, competition policy and anticorruption technologies

Press release

X All-Russian practical conference-seminar “State and Municipal Procurement - 2015”

(October 29 - 30, 2015, Moscow)

On October 29-30, 2015 the Public Procurement Institute organized the 10th All-Russian conference-seminar “State and Municipal Procurement – 2015”. 

The anniversary conference was consecrated to the examination of the first results of control and audit in the sphere of procurement under the Federal law No. 44-FZ: typical violations reveled by different control bodies in the procurement activities of consumers (practice of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation, Federal Service for Fiscal and Budgetary Supervision, regional and municipal control bodies, control and accounts bodies as well as bodies of departmental control). 

More than 230 participants attended the sessions of the conference representing state and municipal bodies, state and budget institutions, procurement participants under the Federal law No. 44-FZ as well as specialized, expert and scientific organizations in the sphere of public procurement. This was not the first year when geography of participants extended from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad. Moreover, video streaming of the conference was received in eight cities of Russia: Barnaul, Vladivostok, Gubinskiy (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug), Izhevsk, Irkutsk, Kazan, Moscow (two receiving points) as well as Samara. 

The conference was opened with welcoming speeches of the auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation M.S. Rokhmistrov, secretary of the state – deputy head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service A.Y. Tsarikovsky, deputy head of the Federal Treasury S.E. Prokofiev, director of the Department on management of programs and competition procedures of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation M.S. Popov and General director of LLC “RTS-tender” V.V. Stepanov. 

A.Y. Lobov, deputy head of the Department on control of placement of state order of the Federal Antimonopoly service, reported on the practice of the Federal Antimonopoly service, while A.A. Galkin, deputy head of the Department on development of the contract system of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, told the audience about planned amendments to the Federal law No. 44-FZ. 

The conference hosted presentations of the representatives of control as well as control and accounts bodies of Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Moscow region, Tula and Chelyabinsk regions, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra, authorized bodies of Moscow and the Republic of Karelia, electronic trading platform of LLC “RTS-tender” as well as the experts of the Public Procurement Institute and other specialists in the sphere of public procurement. 

A.A. Khramkin, Director of the Public Procurement Institute, moderated sessions of the conference. 

The conference ended with a “round table” in the framework of which experts of the Public Procurement Institute were answering questions of the participants. 

Texts of all the reports presented at the conference are published in the Collection of papers of the conference.