
Public procurement institute Institute of public and regulated procurement, competition policy and anticorruption technologies

Research conducted by the Institute

Research on government regulated purchases and sales is one of the main areas of the Institute’s activity. Our experts work with such topics as corporate purchases, public procurement contract system, management of procurement activity in public and private entities, competition policy and anti-corruption activity, finance, economics and management sphere, as well as monitoring and control in the abovementioned fields. 

 Information about our expert team can be found here.

The main research areas and topics are as follows:

  • Theoretical and practical issues of procurement of goods, works and services for federal and municipal needs (public procurement); 

  • Methodology and procedures of the contract system development in public procurement sphere; 

  • Development of effective and efficient approaches to the public contract system management; 

  • Preparation of delegated legislation acts drafts under the Federal Law No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in procurement of goods, works, and services for the federal and municipal needs” dated April 5, 2013. 

  • Analysis of legislation application issues in the sphere of federal and municipal procurement; 

  • Issues of efficiency and effectiveness of budget spending in public procurement; 

  • Analysis of public procurement clients’ interaction with agencies authorized to select suppliers for the public contracts; 

  • Scientific, information and analytical support of the federal and municipal government institutions in the sphere of public procurement; 

  • Analysis of foreign and international experience in the field of government regulated procurement and contracts; development of areas of cooperation with foreign partners; 

  • Staffing issues in the public procurement, including training and development of contract department employees, contract managers and tender committee members. 

  • Scientific, information and analytical support of training programs in the sphere of public procurement; integration of research results into the training process; 

  • Study of anti-corruption efforts within the public procurement process; 

  • Issues of the contract system implementation at the federal, regional and municipal level; 

  • Legal support of the contract system development; 

  • Development of government programmes, framework and project plans on implementation and development of the contract system in the subjects of the Russian Federation and its municipalities.